Tuesday, February 12, 2013

flipping the classroom

What is Flipping the Classroom?  Sounds dangerous... but I am sure if done correctly it could be done with no harm to anyone involved.

Initially, when I thought about this idea I saw the "flipping" as occurring between the teacher and the students.  I thought it was more about teachers stepping back and letting students dictate more of the learning and activities.  Now that we have talked a little more about it I understand it to be more about leaving the lectures/reading/content for outside of class and discussing, doing activities and assignments during class time.

I tend to agree that this is not a new concept, although the invention of powerpoint may have changed the face of it and it got a trendy new name.  I think some classrooms would definitely benefit from this and I think that quite a few classes (especially in some disciplines) have already been embracing this idea for years now.   I definitely think that some classes need a new idea if they are still assigning reading and then lecturing over the material during class time.  That is a waste of everyone's time! The classroom should be a place to discuss ideas with others and clear up confusion.

So, overall... good idea, but maybe with a little modifying.  


  1. I actually like the idea that it's flipping traditional student/teacher roles, because I think that if you do it successfully that kind of happens naturally in a lot of instances. To me, flipping the classroom really means flipping everything in the interest of engaging your students more fully. I also think it flips the environment of the classroom, bringing the more informal, perhaps more fun and welcoming environment to the class and enhancing interactions with your students.

  2. I too like the idea of flipping roles between student/teacher. I think specifically in our discipline flipping the classroom has been around for a while... maybe because it is more of a social science...who knows. I do agree that at times there should be more modifications!
