Monday, January 14, 2013

my relationship with technology

Generally, when faced with new technology I have the urge to run very quickly in the other direction and pretend that I never heard anything about it.  Now, if I could just have the information directly implanted into my brain I would be new technology's biggest fan.  Once I know how to use something then I can't remember how I ever lived without it.  That is why I am taking this class!  It will force me to learn new technology that I will be glad I know later.  

When I first started my graduate program here at UGA, I was worried about the fact that many of the my core classes would be taught online.  I wasn't familiar with the online format and didn't see how it could be as effective as a traditional class.  It took me most of the semester, but by the time it was over I realized that I had really started enjoying my online classes! So, it might take me a while to adopt a new technology, but I know that once I understand it I usually love it! 

I believe that while some "oldies are goodies" others need to move forward with the times.  Fighting progress is futile and, frankly, a lot of unnecessary work.  Education is about teaching the next generation, but they can teach us as well.  By at least making an effort to utilize current technology you can pull in students who would otherwise check out.  Now, not all technology belongs in the classroom, but it all deserves a chance.  Some will stick and some won't.

Anyway, I think that is about all I've got for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Innovation and change can be challenging, but you are right about learning from our students and using the best tools to engage them.
